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April 5th, 2009 1:32 pm

I can't stop listening to Tokio Hotel.

BREE AND CRYS, WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE!? D< (And seriously? He's only 6 days older than me? Despite his androgynous appearance, I thought he was at LEAST 22...)

I might have to listen to Rammstein or Die Toten Hosen just to off-set this obsessive behavior. NOT cool. xD Jk. I should actually go put up that log for Kitty and Dane. :x I'm so sorry I forgot! I can backdate, right? I'll have to go look... I thought I saw something about that in a post... Hm...

Where are my soy chicken patties, woman!? D
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March 31st, 2009 3:17 pm

I'm going to address multiple peoples in this post. O NOEZ! But I thought this would be an efficient way to do this since AIM & Meebo keep tickin' me off and random shtuff.

Bree Honey asked some really good, basic questions about the rally that we should cover. I'm sure you'll see her comment in my last OOC entry, but I'll kind of readdress what was asked.

First off, should anybody interested start their own thread or join ours? Originally, in the first OOC post, I was just going to have others join us, but I didn't know if that's what you had meant when you suggested posting about the rally so others could become involved if they wanted, or if allowing others into a challenge pairing log was even acceptable. I personally don't care either way.

Secondly, what time did the rally start? I should have asked this myself, but when I finally got the log up, I just decided to wing it. I was thinking it could be at least a couple of hours old. The time on the log says that it's late afternoon just because I figured protesters like to start their biz early in the morning.

What day is the rally on? Ummm... That can be changed easily, too. By default, I just used yesterday's date, so Monday, March 30, 2009 is what I originally had, but like I said, that can be edited.

Approximately how long does the rally last? Loooool. Omgosh, I don't know. Protests have the amazing ability to be quick or last a long time. But more importantly, how long does the rally last until violence breaks out? Since there was that ominous "yet" I remember reading. xD I'm really not sure about these two questions...

EDIT Okay, since I'm paranoid about not being able to talk to the people I need: Honey and Abby, I'm just going to put up logs, if that's okay. I'm going to set up one for Pyro&Kitty and then get one up for Vine&Kitty. (I tried IMing you, Abby, but I think you may have been AFK.)

I'm getting really anxious right now. Lol. I'm so afraid of being booted. Arrgghhh,
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March 30th, 2009 11:43 am

[ mood | chipper ]

That would include all of you, so you'd better listen up. (If I sound a little goofy, it's because I just woke up about 40 minutes ago and I didn't get a lot of sleep. I'm giggly when I'm tired.)

I was able to talk to Bree today (through Crys) about our challenge pairing, and he came up with a really good idea that we wanted to share in case anybody else wanted to include this in any of their logs.

For our log, there's going to be an anti-mutant rally taking place in the city. It's not going to be violent or anything, though. (Though Crys quoted Bree as saying 'yet', so cue the ominous music!) I'm assuming it's just going to be a lot of picketing and chanting. Silly little humans. /Decay Freudian slip

As for everything else...

Dex, I will get a reply back to the in a few hours. I was going to do it yesterday morning, but I had church and the day turned out to be extremely crappy, so I wasn't online for much else aside from checking my e-mail and facebook. WOW, run-on sentences ROCK!

I still need to talk to Abby and Honey I believe. I will try to catch you both online, but if need be, I'll just post something in the OOC comm for you to reply to or something. Then we can get this party STARTED! :)

I hope everyone's been having a good day slash week slash life. I'm off to go clean, but I'll be back in a few. Tchau!


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March 27th, 2009 2:04 pm

Hi, everyone. =) I'm Bree (2.0), and I'm going to be taking up the resident Jean Grey here. I am really nervous about this, as I am a journal role-playing virgin. Be easy on me. I've been role-playing on message boards and chat rooms since I was 15, but the whole Insanejournal idea is new. I'm fairly AIM shy, actually, but chances are if you ping me I'll gladly yap back. It just takes me a little time to get warmed up with new people. If you really want to get me talking, I'm very interested in The Office, Lost, British TV, Fringe, all kinds of music, and most types of Easter candy. I love cosplaying, even though I'm not the biggest of anime fans, and I do have a rather twisted sense of humor, so it takes people a while to get used to it. Just putting that caveat out there in case I say something stupid. I've been known to do so. A lot.

As for Jean, well, she's essentially the Jean everyone knows and loves. Okay, she's the Jean everyone knows. I'm rather intimidated by taking up such a major character, so hopefully I won't mess her up too horribly. I'm always open for plotting, and would love to get to chat with all of you. You can read more about Jean here.

I think that's about it. You can reach me on AIM at skullcrusherbree. I also have a journal (not that I've really used it for anything much but dinking around the website) that you can find at [info]soupisawesome. Thanks, and I can't wait to hear from you all!
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March 27th, 2009 9:42 am

Hey everybody. The activity check is over, and we have lost three people. They are still allowed to reapply.

gone )

Like I said, they can reapply, or they can drop. This time, no matter the course, nobody gets killed off. Three of those are canons, and Hellcat isn’t dying off because he’s a predatory type to begin with – one of the reasons the dying-off is necessary in the first place. Also, everyone, we just got a new JEAN GREY, so let’s make Bree 2.0 welcome. Visit the friend all to get everything updated.

That said, here are the new activity pairs, accounting for all those that have been put on the reapplication list, and the ones that I still need to talk to.

pairs )

That all said and done, let’s remind you of what we need this week. We need one thread or AIM log for each pairing. Narratives and journal entries will not be counted this week. Again, if your challenge pairing fails to work in any way, poke me and we’ll see about changing it. All current players must participate in a pairing in order to be counted for activity this week. Obviously, threads outside of this are encouraged, but you must put in the challenge pair to be counted. Remember: This is not permanent. If you can’t make it work, you can’t make it work, and I’ll be flexible. Just know that you have to get involved, one way or another.

Now! Go out, plan your activity pairings, and come to me BEFORE three days before the activity check if you have a problem. Preferably, we’ll get these out and happening ASAP. <3
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March 24th, 2009 9:01 am

THREE DAYS until the activity check. (I'm also emailing this one to those of you in the second list.)

safe )

not safe )

I like this list ratio. More on the active side than on the inactive side. I'd like it even better if we were all in the active list three days before the check. Next week, I want to see that, guys. -feels like a hypocrite with the not-writing thing here, but is still sick- So let's make me a happy mod and the game happy and see about getting everything done. I don't want to have to kick anybody for inactivity. Don't make me be the big old scary mod. Please. Just post.

Also, I'll repost the activity pairings on Friday. This is in case anybody gets kicked out, and to repair the mistake I made last time. (Apparently I messed up and gave Jaclyn herself as a partner last time. >.>) Don't worry. If I can, I'll keep the pairings as fundamentally the same as they can be. ONLY THOSE WHO LOSE THEIR PARTNERS WILL GET NEW ONES BECAUSE OF INACTIVITY. (Also, the pair I messed up on will be fixed.) Again though, if you can't make your pair work AT ALL, we can and will fix it. I need to know this, though. I don't read minds. :(
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March 24th, 2009 12:01 am
Paintball Trip [

Hey guys, sorry for the delay on the trip. It was supposed to be put up today, but I had a fmily emergency so it'll hopefully be up tomorrow. Again, sorry!
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March 22nd, 2009 12:17 pm


The way it's going around the grape vine, you've got to work with an NPC for the next activity check. Feel free to tap me on the shoulder and let me know what you're up for. I have all three of the Djs. ^_^~♥
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March 21st, 2009 1:28 am
*should so be in bed recuperating* [

...before I go off and crash again, a quick modpost. From a not-modly journal. >.> I'll stop this one day soon, I promise.

Several things.
1.) I am Still. Sick. And I am Taking. A. Hiatus. from writing for a little bit. I will still mod here and I will still be available to answer questions, but I will not be writing. This is because I'm sick and my brain is about as useful as a jar of apple butter when it comes to that right now. So I'm sorry, but there you have it. I should be good by next activity check.

2.) The activity check happens on Friday, March 27, at 12:01 AM PST. If you have not posted one new thread/AIM log/narrative or two journal entries by then for EACH CHARACTER YOU HAVE, you will have to reapply to the game with that character and all those... awesome consequences will apply. I hope this doesn't happen to any of us. :( I like you guys too much. So far, the only two players that are totally safe are Bree and Dus. (Nicole, too, but this is unrelated to activity. And Amber is half-safe. Yay!) This is kind of disappointing me. I will not keep dragging activity out of you guys. I refuse. I am a mod, I am not a babysitter, and much as I love all of you, it's too much of a drain to be nagging, instead of there being constant playing and fun and happy-tiemz.

3.) The paintballing trip is COMING UP SOON. THIS WEEK IN FACT. Right Jaclyn? >.> So far, the only people I know of that are interested are: Plutarch, Psylence, Anesthesia, Pyro. IF YOU WANT YOUR KID TO GO PAINTBALLING, YOU NEED TO REPLY TO THIS POST WITHIN THE NEXT TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. You DO NOT have to be at Xavier's to go. Essentially, if you're not Decay or The Black King, you're free to join in. Go open invitation! THIS COUNTS FOR ACTIVITY YOU GUYS. HELPING MODLY HINT HERE BECAUSE I LOVE YOU ALL AND DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO PUT ON THE BADASS MOD PANTS AND KICK YOU OUT.

4.) We just lost a player to the woes of internet troubles. Guys, say buh-bye to Irish. :( It was fun while it lasted, babe, and we're sorry you have to go. Husk, Roulette, Psych, and Bloodlust are now sadly gone.

5.) We have gotten a few new kids, including Dex's Icarus and Greg's Black King. Go here and use the friends button.

6.) Merman got a new face! Which was so why I started this post and... not meant to be the sixth point in a laundry-list of announcements, but there you go. Instead of Robbie Amell, Trev's now looking a lot like Sean Faris. Yay! (Also, dear Lord, I get to get off the FAILBOAT and he will actually develop those NIFTY powers of his next activity check!)

7.) CHALLENGE PAIRS, YAY! Remember last post I mentioned activity challenge pairs? Here they are:
the pairs :D )

8.) A zoo trip is coming up shortly. Next activity check in fact. You can use this for your advantage for the next activity check in some cases. Six of those twelve pairs may actually pull that off. The zoo trip only lasts two days, though, so it's not like it's the only way you could connect it up. Only Xavier's students, staff and residents may attend. It is being led up by Firefox, with assistance from Phlox (because let's face it: 10 pounds of fur with claws can't do much in the way of taking care of students). Please do me a favor and LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT IN, because I'm an anal-retentive pain in the ass and must know these things. And I'm the mod. I'm entitled.

If any of this fails to make sense, I blame a lack of mental acuteness like I usually have. >.> So yeah. There we have it. Eight points of... varying importance. Read it. Let me know. Last time I failed to hunt down those of you that didn't read it. This time, I will not.

Quick note: I ask you guys to read these because they're important. I'm not blowing smoke out my ear, and I'm not posting them 'cause I like to see myself babble. I'm trying to be helpful and useful. Do not ignore those attempts, you guys. It's not okay. It's not cool. If you do it enough, I may kick you out. I'm trying to relay information to you guys instead of being a failboat mod and neglecting to tell you guys important stuff and expecting you to just know through osmosis or something. I'm obviously not doing these for my health, 'cause I just managed to get sick after one of these posts. So please. READ THEM. LET ME KNOW YOU'VE READ THEM. IT'S IMPORTANT.
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March 18th, 2009 4:29 am

I never thought I'd have a chance to use this icon. So hi, everyone, it's Honey. Y'all haven't heard from me in a couple days, and the reason is that I managed to get sick. I should be back by Thursday, at which point it will be the one-week-point for the activity check. After Thursday the 19th, we all have exactly a week to produce journal entries, threads, narratives, and/or AIM logs for activity.

That said, ugh, I'm going to go lay down and hope to get better. >.< Hopefully I'll see you guys on Thursday.
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March 16th, 2009 10:49 pm

Yeah, so... hi.

I'm Dex and I played here once before and now I'm bringing Jay Guthrie back. As for where Jay's been, those familiar with his particularly sad tale can understand that the new school might have been a little too much. That combined with the passing birthday of Julia Cabot sent the red-winged Guthrie into a deep depression. So he took some time out from school and got some help and is back to rejoin class.

So that's it in a nutshell. I'm anxious to get him back into the swing of things, hopefully pick up on friendships that had started, or make some new ones etc.. If you have any plot-like ideas, drop me a line here or on AIM at TalkToDex. So yeah, that's it.
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March 16th, 2009 6:21 pm
Shall we get going, then? [

[ mood | anxious ]

Okay, so it seems like the worst of the Internet troubles are over now. I'm sorry it took so long. My server is still being a little funky, it appears, but it's working nicely right now. :) That being said, I'm reading through everything and I totally anticipate participation on my part starting tonight. I'm just reading through some updates and stuff before I get to it. :3


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March 13th, 2009 11:26 pm

Congratulations, ladies and gentlemen! Nearly everyone made the cut! I'm very impressed. And on our first two weeks back, too! Unfortunately, we're going to have to say goodbye to Jeia and her Rogue, as she did not manage to make the activity cut.

After this activity check, I'm going to be implementing a few new rules going into effect immediately. These concern activity and characters. Like I said, nearly everyone got their posts in on time - in fact, our last post came in with a rather decent amount of time to spare. But still, I'm pushing these new rules.

new rules. )

Not in this activity period (3-13-09 to 3-26-09) but in the next (3-27-09 to 4-9-09), we will be having challenge pairings. They will be announced in the latter part of this period, probably around the 22nd or so, so that you guys can start planning early. You MUST DO something for the challenge pairing in that activity period to be counted. That said, if you absolutely cannot get your challenge pair to work, you are more than welcome to come to me and we'll see about fixing it.

In the ways of over-arching plot, in the next activity check, we have several things coming up for students and faculty at Xavier's school. We have a PAINTBALLING TRIP, with current accompanying teachers being Alex Warwick and Patrick Linden. We also have Claire Windsor opening up her rink for students at Xavier's. It is equipped for recreational skating and figure skating, but not for hockey. Dane Provenzano and his figure-skating coach are also going to be providing lessons. We will also have sign-ups for a ZOO TRIP with Darach MacEwan coming up. This may also include a trip to the SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE. As for independents, a plot may also be opening up for you folks fairly soon here. I will need to speak to Amber and Irish about the Brotherhood, but that... doesn't concern most of you right now, unfortunately. >.> You know, since our Brotherhood is really skimpy right now.

Time for an appearance by bitchy!mod, though. There's one thing I need to remind you all of (though most of you actually did this!), and three things I need to have you do.
  • MAKE SURE YOU TAG YOUR ENTRIES. Now, preferably, this will include your character's codename and their faction. So say I'm tagging a thread for Pyro: "pyro" and "§ xaviers". That symbol can be achieved by hitting "ALT" and then the number combination 21 on your numberpad of your keyboard, or you can just select it and your character's tag from the menu by holding "CTRL" down and clicking on the tags you need.

  • Thing Number One: I need to hear from you about this thread to be sure you actually paid attention and understand. You can hit me up on AIM, poke my email, or comment here, I don't care which you do, just... do one of them. NOT doing so will lead to me chasing you down. Please don't make me do that. :(

  • Thing Number Two: If you do not have your character's appearance written up, and this applies to nearly all of us, including me, you need to have it put up sometime this activity check. It's a part of the application these days. It's really not that hard, and takes like five minutes. IT IS NOW REQUIRED TO HAVE THIS INFORMATION POSTED.

  • Thing Number Three: If your character is a student or teacher and is gonna be involved in any of the events listed above, please let me know so I know to get you all together and coordinate details. If your character is NOT involved in the above events, I would like to hear from you about some ideas. I don't want us all to be aimlessly threading in hopes that somehow plot will come to us. We have to be active and pick this up ourselves. Plot bunnies, unfortunately, do not come into existence on their own. Adult plot rabbits or players must create them. There is a certain amount of you needing to have me give you guys some overarching plots, but there is a point at which you must also start providing something. Player/mod interaction is important in keeping things going.
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March 11th, 2009 6:58 am

[ mood | bored ]

I'd really like to get this char up and running, and I know I've already IMed a few of you, but here is a SL plea. Does anyone want to work on a thread or some play with my gal? Please? Everything is on her bio page.

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March 6th, 2009 10:02 pm

Hey everyone! Alex is going to be putting up a flier in just a little bit [read as: when I finish writing the thread] in which she's letting students sign up for a paint ball outing. Also, affiliates of the school would be allowed to join in. I'm just curious who wants to take a few shots at her and whoever else might go. She's offering As for students who can hit her!
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